The year 2021-2022
For the year 2021-2022, the Aigues-Vertes Foundation will be our exceptional partner in this new adventure.
This year, starting November 2021, we will be focusing on a common goal: raising awareness within the Florimont community of the different types of disabilities and support the excellent work being done by the Foundation.
In 2020
Partage was founded in 2004 by the Salvation Army, C.A.R.E., Caritas Genève, les Colis du Cœur and Emmaüs. At this time of crisis due to Covid-19, which is leaving many families in straitened circumstances, its action is more essential than ever.
Florimont is a close knit and committed community and, together with APEF, we want to join forces in the cause of supporting those families who are in difficulty right now. For this reason, the funds collected during the school year 2020-2021 through the Institut’s community activities will go entirely and directly to Partage.
If you would like to take part or you are looking for ideas to get involved and support the Institut’s efforts in favour of Partage, please contact Sandrine Destouches (, or Amélie Thibault (, President of APEF.