Social science consists of five disciplines: history, geography, economics, law and business management.
These subjects complement each other, developing critical thinking and autonomy and giving students holistic insight of the world.
To learn history is to embrace the present through its context in time and space, enabling students to understand the causes and effects of the events they study.
They learn to distinguish structural or cyclical trends and identify continuities and disruptions.
At Florimont, history is international and is intended to produce a global outlook.
Geography examines how individuals, society and the physical environment interact in time and space.
It is also interested in how human beings adapt and react to change.
Geography fosters open-mindedness and international awareness by examining issues of global importance with a local impact.
Economics explains how to satisfy human needs by combining macro and micro-economics.
It examines specific, real-life situations within and across national borders with an emphasis on the ethical dimension of theories and strategies.
Law is the explanation of how society is organised and how the rules necessary for social harmony are determined.
As society is constantly evolving, the law needs constant and critical analysis to keep pace with change.
Law not only changes over time but also differs between states and nations; a key aim of studying law at Florimont is to understand that reality.
Business Management
Business management is designed to expand students’ understanding of the theories of management in industry and their knowledge of a range of tools and techniques.
The aim is to understand the complexity of today’s commercial environment by analysing, discussing and evaluating the activities of different businesses at the local, national and international level.
The programme includes study of the main functions such as human resources, finance and accounts, marketing and operations management.
External experts
Our humanities programme includes contributions from external experts (from higher education, international organisations or the economic or political arenas), participation in workshops (Model United Nations, Students’ United Nations) and overseas trips. These elements give students a comprehensive picture of the issues we face in the future.